Esta actividad del blog me pareció muy buena idea ya que el blog esta disponible las 24 horas del día y muchas de las personas del salón salieron beneficiadas por que podíamos hacer las entradas a cualquier hora. En la cuestión de aprendizaje a mi en lo personal me sirvió de mucho por que mi ortografía en ingles no es muy buena que digamos y al ir haciendo el blog algunas de las palabras con las que batallaba se me hicieron habituales como por ejemplo which siempre la escribía wich me faltaba una letra H pero después de esto ya recuerdo siempre que lleva una H intermedia.
En la cuestión como grupo nos sirvió para compartir ideas con nuestros compañeros acerca de los temas de que hablar en el blog a veces algunos ayudábamos a otros de una manera u otra pero todos participábamos. En lo personal esta idea del blog me parece muy buena y no tengo ninguna queja sobre esto hasta ahorita todo me parece fantástico.
My Favot music
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
Mi opinion
HI people
lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008
my entry corrected
How we look at others makes a difference. Do we have kind or judgmental eyes? Do our eyes flutter with faith or shutter with sarcasm? For students who look before they hear, our eye contact is crucial. For example how we look at everyone, our parents, our friends, our teachers, strangers, conveys our intention.
The next day I felt bad, I mean, it was not my intention but the way I asked her that question maybe made her feel bad. Since that happened I haven’t asked to anyone about his/her eyes.
telephone vs internet
Both internet and telephone have had and enormous impact in our lives, and although the influence of telephone seems to have its peak, the internet is proving to have profound and for for-reaching effects on the way we do things.
Internet and telephone give us the chance to communicate with each other in a very easy way; they are appealing to all kind of people, and they both have something for everyone, day and night. Whether you want to talk with your grandfather, your boyfriend or girlfriend, even if you want to order a pizza or pay your cell phone bill, either telephone and internet is the medium of choice for many people.
Internet has a great influence on the way that we think, the way we talk, and even the way we write. Telephone on the other hand doesn`t affect the way you think, write, etc. Nowadays almost every school provides access to internet to their students.
Whereas telephone gives us the opportunity to communicate with each other, internet is already another way of communications which is becoming more popular and its price is accessible almost for everyone.
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
nothing to say
Every semester is the same at the end of it, we have lots of exams, homeworks, booklets and you know all those stuff we didn't do in the first two months. In three weeks we're are going to be free, no more homeworks, booklets, school and even better no more exams, the most of us are going to be resting in our homes with our homes :D, eating turkey, tamales and junky food. This semester has been the shorter I ever been though, because we only have two and a half months of classes, and sometimes we had long weekends and some weird events took place in our school, for example the famous bomb that somebody reported last Thursday, the trifulca between comercio & ingenieria, the meeting at the sac last Friday, come on that's awesome how do miss classes for everything.
In the other hand we're having a party this Saturday 8th at the UAT remember we have to bring carlota and pie, by the way somebody told me something about all of us wearing the same color that day, anyway, see you people I have to study hard for the exam :D.
jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008
porros or students?
From my point of view the guys who were involved with the first beaten guy , had to fight "uno contra uno " in case there was no solution.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
cleavage, tattoo and pierce
In early America, settlers often named their children for attributes and virtues they valued. Names such as Paciencia, veloz, inteligente, etc.
Today names symbolic of our society have yet to emerge, and there are some nominations like: Cleavage, Tattoo, and Pierce.
Cleavage is a lovely name for girls. Thanks to the fashion industry’s monetary greed and total disregard for anything subtle, young girls, middle-aged girls, and even old girls are wearing low-cut tops, sweaters, dresses, and coats to breakfast at Burger King, vips, Doña tota, etc.
Today, women have Cleavage, age 16, trolling at the mall, the movie theatre, school, church for attention. Women have recently shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch or Wet Seal and are decorating their selves in the type of clothing that used to be hip for women walking a busy corner street.
Tattoo used to be a name reserved for guys in the Navy or gang members. Now Tattoo is a lovely name for either sex. Forget any religious notion that Your Body is Your Temple. Nowadays, kids named Tattoo sport “body art” proudly and profusely. Swirls of foamy ocean splash out from under collars; devils with pitchforks and psychedelic modern art blobs ooze down calves. Tattoo believes that her body is a canvas. There is only one little problem: attending that wedding with Cleavage. Somehow that Labrador retriever across her shoulder doesn’t quite meld with the pink taffeta dress.
Now Pierce is a name only to be given to the hardiest of souls. Pierce is edgier than either Cleavage or Tattoo. Large pieces of steel, wrought iron, or rebar have been wedged through eyebrows, punched through tongues and lips, or filleted into belly buttons. Dollops of pure silver, maybe 3 carets in size, have been neatly arrayed down ears. Pierce may be ahead of Tattoo on the I.Q. test, however. Removing all of the heavy and light metal is only a yank away. Edgy stores such as Wal-Mart, Chedraui, and lots of places like those don’t admire Pierce and Tattoo when hiring.
sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008
eye contact
How we look at others makes a difference. Do we have kind or judgmental eyes? Do our eyes flutter with faith or shutter with sarcasm? For students who look before they hear, our eye contact is crucial. For example how we look at everyone, our parents, our friends, our teachers, strangers, conveys our intention.
The next day I felt bad, I mean, it was no my intention but the way I asked her that question maybe made her feel bad. Since that happened I haven’t asked to anyone about his/her eyes.
This story is not true I just invented something to publish in my blog… see you later :D have a nice weekend :D
domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008
In the other hand do you already know that if you want to have a six pack you don't need to work out hard by doing more than 200 or 300 crunches, doing more than that you are just destroying you six pack and you will never get a six pack, the best thing to do is before doing crunches or something like that is to loose the fat in you stomach, how can you loose that fat? , easy just doing aerobic exercises like jogging, climb machine or riding a bicycle 30 minutes per day, after that you can start you training in order to get a six pack.
why am I telling you this? the answer is easy, because all the people I know always is telling me I can get a six pack even If I'm doing more than 500 hundred per day, the first thing you have to do is going to the gym and ask a professional what are the exercises that you have to do, by the way before that you have to go to the doctor they will give you the information about how much water, grass, and liquids you have already in your body after that your personal trainer will give and explicit routine.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
Hallowen is coming
In the other hand Halloween is coming, Do you already have your costume ready?, I heard that this year it is optional to wear a costume. I guess that more than five guys are going to wear a Dracula's costume because it is the most popular, so far, among teenagers.
Finally I am going to tell you why am I writing on my blog the last day of the long weekend. I decided to write today because I was out of the city, I was at home to be exactly, over there I went out with my friends and I saw my parents, by the way I didn't sleep at all because the first night I went to club with all my friends and the second day I went to the river and I had to stay at the ranch in order to take care of the animals because the cowboy in charge of the ranch was sick..
This was my beautiful long weekend
jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008
Las buenas conciencias
It is a fascinating novel that describes how rich people use to live in Guanajuato.
The novel starts when Jaime's Grandfather arrived to Guanajuato because of the socialism in Europe, renting a spot to sell his fabrics but through the time his spot was increasing, after that Jaime's grandfather's sister become the lover of the president's secretary of the state. They had good connections with the government and high class people in order to export his fabrics to U.S. , later on Jaime's Grandmother was pregnant and had 3 male kids, one of them died in the army and the other two had to work in the family business, the older one was sort of lazy while the youngest was crafty and because of that the youngest was increasing his fortune. Jaime who is the main character was the son of the older lazy brother, but he was raised by her aunt because her mom run away.
The main characters in this book are Jaime who is a rich guy, Lorenzo a poor guy, and Jaime's grandfather.
I like the book very much because Carlos Fuentes tries to show us how do rich people used to live and how arrogant they were.
I would recommend this book for all those people that already read La region mas transparente by Carlos Fuentes because from my humble opinion and other people it is considered the second part of that book.
sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008
A lesson in caring
Volunteer work is something that we don't in our culture, and some people say that in the first world countries volunteer work is part of people's live.
the author was motivated because of his daughter, at the beginning he didn't want to do it but at the time his daughter started feeling good by doing volunteer work he felt happy and that is the reason he began doing it. By the way, through the time he realize that it was pleasant to visit people and help them with some tasks.
I think most of the people doing volunteer work started by trying to feel experiencing and once they experimented, decided to do it very often without a reward.
I would consider the author a hero because of the time he spend helping and the way he acts, I mean not so many people is available to do something without expecting money or something else.
domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008
Michael Jordan's Biography
he grew up in the streets and hanging out with his hood's friends and he use to play basketball everyday even his father was a banker.
Later on in 1981, Jordan enrolled the university of Carolina, later on the same year he earned a basketball scholarship to the same university and won the national basketball championship as a college freshman after he averaged 13.4 points per game.
In 1984 he played on the U.S. Olympic basketball team that won the gold medal, winning the gold medal with his team made Jordan to enter in the NBA draft and named also as the rookie of the year at the end of the season.
After he was named the rookie of the year he became the NBA's most valuable player and would win the tittle six times with the Chicago Bulls, he was also named defensive player of the year six times in role.
After six years of glory he announced his retirement on October 6, 1993. In order to begin playing baseball and start his career as a baseball player, but through the time he realized he would never will be accepted as much as he wished. After two years he he returned to the national basketball association playing again with Chicago Bulls but his ability had been disappeared, when that happened he decided to stop playing basketball and got retired in 1999.
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
what do you think about trends?
You know no matter what you wear or what kind of clothes you are wearing because if you really like it nothing else matters.
For example some people follow trends even if they are not feeling good with themselves, they are just trying to impress their friends and people around them.
Remember this, people who really love you is not because you are wearing nice clothes, they love love the way you are and the way you act, at least you know everyone has a different style and that makes the difference.
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008
coincidence ????

Hi this is me again trying to write something interesting for you as you already know this semester is going down my friends and everything is getting hard for us at the school , too many changes in the classroom, now we have a new representant her name is Hilda, by the way we got a new classroom and I think its the smallest in the school... we look like sardines in a small can.
I prefer my old classroom because it was bigger even if it was so far from the civilization….
Now I’m going to tell you about what I was reading in vacations, as you know I love hip hop specially underground from Los Angeles & New York, there’s a song called I’ll be missing you who sings P.Diddy and its about one P.diddy’s friend who died in LA called Notorious B.I.G aka biggie smalls.
I knew there’s a fight between east coast hip hop singer and west coast singers, everything started when 2 pac the best HH singer in the world increased his fortune and started to sing against east coast and specially about his old friend biggie smalls who had a label company called bad boys records owned by P diddy.
One day after one record session in NY 2 pac went out to the building when he received 8 shots, even that the gangsters couldn’t kill him and he called and ambulance, but he told the new papers and tv shows that when biggie smalls saw him walking, the big biggie was so scared as if he was seen a phantom.
The next year 2 pac threw his new album called hit them up, he sang again against east coast but now with specific names and racial slurs. Two weeks afther that 2 pac went to a Tyson’s fight in las vegas but when he left the place one 64 started to shot against him, he was taken to an hospital but even that he died.
All of his friends and people who used to buy his records knew it that biggie smalls was behind this act... one year after that “accident” biggie smalls was shot in LA in a hood where 2 pac used to go with some friends very often what do you think about it?
Coincidence or it really happened?
Some people think that 2 pac still alive and he planned everything because when he was in the hospital nobody knew about him and no cameras around him anything… that’s a big question about that, and there’s a big dilemma 2 years after that happened one singer called black haze who sings like 2 pac with the same flow and kind of beats used the same brands and all those things… until now nobody know what happened exactly, that’s a big mystery related with gangs and all those stuff make your conclusions.
See you people :D take care

yop what up ppl...
I preffer my old classroom because we had a proyector and it was very useful