My Favot music
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
what do you think about trends?
You know no matter what you wear or what kind of clothes you are wearing because if you really like it nothing else matters.
For example some people follow trends even if they are not feeling good with themselves, they are just trying to impress their friends and people around them.
Remember this, people who really love you is not because you are wearing nice clothes, they love love the way you are and the way you act, at least you know everyone has a different style and that makes the difference.
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008
coincidence ????

Hi this is me again trying to write something interesting for you as you already know this semester is going down my friends and everything is getting hard for us at the school , too many changes in the classroom, now we have a new representant her name is Hilda, by the way we got a new classroom and I think its the smallest in the school... we look like sardines in a small can.
I prefer my old classroom because it was bigger even if it was so far from the civilization….
Now I’m going to tell you about what I was reading in vacations, as you know I love hip hop specially underground from Los Angeles & New York, there’s a song called I’ll be missing you who sings P.Diddy and its about one P.diddy’s friend who died in LA called Notorious B.I.G aka biggie smalls.
I knew there’s a fight between east coast hip hop singer and west coast singers, everything started when 2 pac the best HH singer in the world increased his fortune and started to sing against east coast and specially about his old friend biggie smalls who had a label company called bad boys records owned by P diddy.
One day after one record session in NY 2 pac went out to the building when he received 8 shots, even that the gangsters couldn’t kill him and he called and ambulance, but he told the new papers and tv shows that when biggie smalls saw him walking, the big biggie was so scared as if he was seen a phantom.
The next year 2 pac threw his new album called hit them up, he sang again against east coast but now with specific names and racial slurs. Two weeks afther that 2 pac went to a Tyson’s fight in las vegas but when he left the place one 64 started to shot against him, he was taken to an hospital but even that he died.
All of his friends and people who used to buy his records knew it that biggie smalls was behind this act... one year after that “accident” biggie smalls was shot in LA in a hood where 2 pac used to go with some friends very often what do you think about it?
Coincidence or it really happened?
Some people think that 2 pac still alive and he planned everything because when he was in the hospital nobody knew about him and no cameras around him anything… that’s a big question about that, and there’s a big dilemma 2 years after that happened one singer called black haze who sings like 2 pac with the same flow and kind of beats used the same brands and all those things… until now nobody know what happened exactly, that’s a big mystery related with gangs and all those stuff make your conclusions.
See you people :D take care

yop what up ppl...
I preffer my old classroom because we had a proyector and it was very useful